There was a person named ' logic '
The second name is " Destiny " ..
Two passengers in the car long travel ..
And half of the way, gasoline is off.
so they tried to complete their way on foot
Before night falls on them ..
Logic decided to sleep next to a tree
Destiny decided to sleep in mid- street.
logic said : Crazy ! u will expose yourself to death .
destiny said: it's possible that a car comes and save us
Logic actually slept under the tree and destiny slept in the middle of the street 
An hour later a great car came so fast
And when she saw someone, tried to stop ..
But was unable to ..
the car declined towards the tree ..
And ran over logic
logic was crashed
This is the reality ,
Destiny plays a role with people sometimes
Although it is illogical
_ being late for a travel = good
_ deprive you of marriage = mage
_ hoping for a job = interest
_ deprive you of child = welfare
_ Take a thing from u = is good for you
• • Alah knows and you do not know !

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