Directed by Oliver Astrologo & Nils Astrologo -

Much has been made about the wonders of Venice, but few ever venture deep enough across its less touristy, yet still historical hidden places. Beyond hundreds of canals and a diverse architectural style, a secret facet of Venetian life lives on, in which the journey of hand crafting gondola wooden oars and loomed fabrics remains rooted in ancient folk traditions.
This short film uncovers the secrets that have been handed down from father to son and projects you to the Venice that existed 500 years ago, immersing you in the extraordinary craftsmen’s veiled workshops that belong to a long lost era.

This project has been produced in partnership with René Caovilla, the master Venetian shoemaker who has overwhelmed the world with his creations.

This video is a homage to the city of Venice on behalf of René Caovilla -

Flickr album:

Filmed by Tommaso Cassinis | Nils Astrologo | Oliver Astrologo
Production assistant Valeria D’Ovidio
Location Manager Matteo Gottardis

Music produced by ZerOKilled Music Inc. -
Track ”Dream Journey" written by Moon Device
Sound Design by Peter Breaker

Drone Footage licensed from third parties owners.

Atelier Nicolao
Chiara Bognolo
Claudio Roberto Zavagno
Fondazione Guggenheim Venezia
Forcole Saverio Pastor
Francesco Francavilla
Gaia Diletta Bottacin
Leticia Piacentini
Libreria Acqua Alta
Luigi Bevilacqua Srl
Matteo Gottardis
Palazzo Zenobio
Paolo Brandolisio
Safet Zec
Serena Copertino
Simone Sampo
Tullio Baldin
Virginia Sciacca

…and everyone who helped us to create this video.

** Important **
All video, music and sounds effects are rights reserved.
Please only use and share this embed code of the original video.
Third party downloads and distribution is not permitted.

If you are interested in buying footage or any inquiry please contact:



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