Written, produced and directed by Jupiter LeBâtard

Two characters who meet, two glances that intersect. A fleeting instant and a gesture that fails to be achieved on time. Life is what happens while you're busy making other things.

About the short-film
I hope this little film encourages everyone who hesitates too much about the “how” and forgets the “when” about film-making. More info at: http://www.regarde.parol.es

Production took barely 2 hours.
All preproduction (idea, writing, casting, location, storyboarding) happened in just a weekend.
Image and son: Canon 5D Mark II
Editing and colour correction: Premiere CS4 and MB Looks

Taking in account the context of the making: no rehearsals, few hours of preparation, no sound, no script supervisor, basic lighting… this little film has worked well out his way into several international festivals in the last year.
We always hear in the internet that what matters are script and story-telling, but we never get to actually see it. I hope this quick test movie with its many “technical flaws” can be taken as an example of all of that, because most viewers don’t care about all the tech stuff as long as the story works and they feel identified with the characters.

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