"Music and meditation are the two aspects of the same phenomenon.Without music,meditation lacks something;without music,meditation is a little dull,unalive.W...
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"Music and meditation are the two aspects of the same phenomenon.Without music,meditation lacks something;without music,meditation is a little dull,unalive.Without meditation music is simply noise-harmonious but noise.without meditation music is only entertainment" - OSHO
SHIVOHAM a primary MANTRA of SHAIVISM which means Shiva I am (Shiva-Aham). It expresses the inner experience of knowing oneself as that Self (ATMAN/CHAITANYATMAN) which is identical with the pure awareness personified by SHIVA. This experience of self comes out of an inner dis-identification from all the countless elements that make up our ordinary, limited experience of ourselves and our world - and an identification instead with the pure awareness of each and every thing we experience within and around us.
Swarupa-true form, equal to; essence; embodiment.
Nityananda-eternal bliss
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