Shiva: Om Namah Shivaya(pr. OME NAH-MAH SHI-VAH-YAH) This Hindu Mantra has no approximate translation. The sounds related directly to the principles which govern each of the first six chakras on the spine...Earth, water, fire, air, ether. Notice that this does not refer to the chakras themselves which have a different set of seed sounds, but rather the principles which govern those chakras in their place. A very rough, non-literal translation : 'Om and salutations to that which I am capable of becoming.'

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Commentaire de Laëtitia Ludivine le 17 Avril 2012 à 10:18

@ Nadia et Betty, cela donne envie de danser ce son ***

Commentaire de Betty le 17 Avril 2012 à 9:34

Très bon son, j'adore, merci :)

Commentaire de Nadia ROQUES le 13 Avril 2012 à 12:18

Je suis Fan.... Merci


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