Short film about my trip to Lanzarote, the wildest and most beautiful island of the Canary archipelago. Cactus and volcanos, emerald water, golden beaches and sugary clouds. Follow my journey and travel to Spain, to discover this imaginary and incredible gem. Find out more:

Film by Timur Tugalev & Sara Izzi
Filmmaker Timur Tugalev
Music: It's not impossible by Ben Sollee

Filmed with Canon 5D mrk III with Magic Lantern

Check out our other videos :)
Lost in Rotterdam:
Trailer for Upcoming Lost in Buenos Aires:

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Commentaire de colibri7 le 27 Septembre 2015 à 14:30

Merci j'ai une copine qui y est allée cet été 

Cela donne envie qui sait its not impossible .... like this video' song!


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