My Graduation Short Film, directed at l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris in 2010 - 2011, in the animation section. FRICTIONS mixes live action and stop motion animation and has been shot with a Canon Camera 5D Mark II and a 24-70 L lens, in a blue screen studio located in Ensad's building.

directed by: Steven Briand
with: Julien Jourdain de Muizon
choreographer: Clara Henry
cinematographer and cameraman: Pierre Yves Dougnac
music and sound design: Moritz Reich & Agathe Courtin
visual effects: Francis Cutter & Benoit masson
costume: 2WS - world wild souls
first assistant: Romain Daudet Jahan
animation assistants: Natalianne Boucher, Camille Chabert & Luca Fiore
visual effects assitant: Sarah Escamilla


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