It's been over a year i haven't published anything , i haven't worked on any project despite i was accumulating tones of footage . i needed a kind of break.
In early 2015, i made a big "jump" and decided to buy my first drone a DJI phantom 2. Straight away, i "run" to Iceland and did my first aerial footage there during the cold january 2015 .These footage will be part of my upcoming project : "Flying over Iceland .Part. I .
The part II is a collection of aerial footage shoot over Iceland during my last trip in September. I was focus to fly in the highland… center of Iceland , trying to get some less seen footage .

Entirely shot with the Phantom 4.
Music : Lisa Gerard "In Exile"

Hope you will enjoy. thanx for all the comments, sharing, likes…

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Commentaire de soleil rouge le 7 novembre 2016 à 17:36
J'ai aimé me promener tout le longt, magnifique paysage paradisiaque
Commentaire de tytodom le 7 novembre 2016 à 16:57

Gaia à l'état brute .............

Absolument superbe ...........

Merci ........


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