www.InfinityList.com - We discover videos like this everyday.

Ossie Khan
Fred Fugen
Vince Reffett
Naomi Adam
Georgia Eve Roberts
Vicki Allen
Rhonda Bostock
Stewart "Strop" Kemp
James Everett
Rebecca Scott
Stuart Flegler
Leigh "Macca" Mccormack


Chapter 1: Experience Human Flight
Chapter 2: Experience Zero Gravity (http://vimeo.com/29017795)
Chapter 3: Experience Freedom (http://vimeo.com/36778012)

In February 2011, the five times world champions Fred Fugen and Vince Reffett from Soul Flyers were invited to Melbourne to provide advanced 3D coaching to some of Australia's leading Skydive athlete talent.

The goal of the Training camp and the production were:
1. To increase participation in our sport.
2. Provide greater pathways for our elite athletes.

Hopefully this video will give all that view it a different perspective of what skydiving can offer. Hopefully it will provoke some necessity to learn to fly in our wonderful three-dimensional environment- The Sky!

Shot on a GoPro

Music: Alex Khaskin - "She Is"

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