Nominated for an Bay Area IZZIE award for Outstanding Choreography, "Requiem" was dedicated by Seiwert to Smuin Ballet to honor the resilience of the company since the founder Michael Smuin's death in 2007. Grown from the ashes of that tragic event, the company looks incredible in this tribute. Allan Ulrich wrote of the piece in the SF Chronicle, "For audacity, at least, this deeply felt opus from the troupe's choreographer in residence surely takes the prize this season."
Commissioned and performed by Smuin Ballet
Premiered May, 2011
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, SF
Music: Mozart, Maunder Edition
Choreography: Amy Seiwert
Costumes: Christine Darch
Costumes constructed by CMC Designs
Lighting: Brian Jones
Scenic Element: Alex Nichols

Featuring Travis Walker, Susan Roemer, Erin Yarbrough-Stewart and Jonathan Powell

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