To the people asking me : "Why the fuck do you want to go to Iran ?", i'd like to show them this video.
Once again, i took a 3 weeks trip in the Middle East, with my video bag, filled with a few extra shirts, with one thought in mind: make people want to travel.
The narration explains the whole thing : "Curves are everywhere in Eastern culture: our writing, our architecture, our instruments, the way we dance ; even the tone of our language is curved. The West was built on angles. The East was built on curves."

Listen with headphones!

Bonus videos :
Cool kids of Tehran: Tehran is full of artists, expressing their art even if the government don't want them to do so. This is a portrait of two of them:
Sacred Geometry: It's hard to describe how tiny you feel when you stand under a dome of an iranian mosque. Even atheists feel that those particular places are built with some kind of spiritual cement. Here's an experimental short about it:

Music: Tim Gill — Habibti (
Narration: Hester Wilcox
Sound design: Paul Sabin
Produced by Maison Carnot

Gear : Sony a7S (PP5 and 7), Canon 50mm f/1.4, Samyang 14mm t/3.1, Pentax Takumar 135mm f/2.5, Peleng 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye, Glidecam 2000 Pro, Lowepro Fastpack AW350

Visit my website!

Long story short: Go to Iran.

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