This is my animation Thesis Film done during my time at the Academy of Art University 2010. :)

Bridge is a story about four animal characters trying to cross a bridge, but ending up as obstacles to one another in the process. The moral behind this story revolves around how there are often disagreements or competing paths in life, and the possible results of pride, obstinance, and compromise.

Music by Greg Gauba.

Note: I noticed some websites have been featuring my work around, I am grateful for it. I also appreciate all feedbacks, critiques and comments! But some websites have mistaken that I worked for Pixar, which is a misunderstanding and it is not true. I just wish to correct that. : )

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Commentaire de épanews le 20 Juillet 2014 à 19:30

Félicitation, votre vidéo a été re-publiée puis diffusée à l'ensemble des membres !

Elle est consultable ici

Commentaire de Isabelle Paoli le 16 mai 2013 à 2:18


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