
English :: En Anglais

This group is for speaking of events, books, practices in English (for those of us too shy to write in French or the French wanting to practice English)

Why not practice your English while practicing well being?

Has meditation taken all your free time? No time for English classes? ;-) 

Lieu : Ile de France
Membres : 2
Modification : 12 avr. 2015

Forum de discussion

Ce groupe n'a pas encore de discussions.


Commentaires bienvenus

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Commentaire de Gil_duGard le 12 Avril 2015 à 13:49

Good idea !

It's a long time since I last spoke or wrote English !

I am interested in sharing different experiences in the well-being practises and new concepts are more than welcome especially if your inspiration comes from abroad ;-)

Enjoy France !!!

A bientôt peut-être



Membres (2)



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